📢 Limited time offer – Buy One Get One Free on over 35 motor driver eval boards. Use code DV-ASP-BOGO-11 at checkout! Order now
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MPU with Arm Cortex-A7 650 MHz, Arm Cortex-M4 real-time coprocessor, TFT display
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Mainstream Mixed signals MCUs Arm Cortex-M4 core with DSP and FPU, 64 Kbytes of Flash memory, 72 MHz
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Silicon carbide Power MOSFET 650 V, 20 mOhm typ., 55 A in an H2PAK-7 package
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Ultra-low-power dual core Arm Cortex-M4 MCU 64 MHz, Cortex-M0+ 32 MHz with 1 Mbyte of Flash memory,