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N-channel 60 V, 21 mOhm typ., 7 A STripFET F7 Power MOSFET in a PowerFLAT 2x2 package
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Ultra-low-power with FPU Arm Cortex-M4 MCU 120 MHz with 2048 kbytes of Flash memory, USB OTG, DFSDM,
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Very high accuracy (20 µV), zero-drift, rail-to-rail output, 3 MHz, 36 V op amp
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Ultra-low-power with FPU Arm Cortex-M33 MCU with TrustZone, 160 MHz with 512 Kbytes of Flash memory
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SLLIMM 2nd series IPM, 3-phase inverter, 8 A, 600 V short-circuit rugged IGBTs